Aero Aggregates

Assembly Line

🏗️ What The Rapid Repair of I-95 in Philadelphia Says About America's Infrastructure

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🏢 Organizations: Aero Aggregates

This was true of funds (the estimated repair costs range from $25-$30 million), labor (Crews have work nearly around the clock since the day of the accident, first clearing the debris, and then rebuilding), and materials. This included some interesting alternatives like that of foamed glass aggregates which is an ultra-lightweight product made from 99% recycled container glass diverted from landfills and processed by Aero Aggregates, a Delaware Country, PA, company that specializes in the product.

Over 8,000 cubic yards of foamed glass aggregate were used to rebuild the collapsed corridor. The aggregates’ light weight ensures aging utility lines beneath I-95 are protected during the reconstruction process. The amount of foamed glass aggregate utilized for this project alone diverts approximately 6.5 million, 12-ounce glass bottles from landfill.

This incident sheds light on an alternative method of infrastructure thinking when it comes to design. The reduction in available capacity, led to a small but measurable reduction in volume. It means the possibility of reducing traffic, greenhouse gas emissions, excess heat, noise pollution, and doing so while making our communities healthier economically.

Read more at For Construction Pros