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EnergyHub and Tesla to support the Northeast's largest battery virtual power plant

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🏢 Organizations: Tesla, EnergyHub

Tesla, Inc. and EnergyHub, the industry’s most experienced provider of distributed energy management systems (DERMS), have collaborated to enable ConnectedSolutions program enrollment via the Tesla app. The new in-app experience makes joining utility programs frictionless for electricity customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island who enroll in ConnectedSolutions, EnergyHub’s largest bring-your-own-battery demand response program. The program links batteries to create a virtual power plant (VPP) that can be used to curb peak demand for electricity and to provide additional grid services.

Tesla Powerwall owners who participate in the ConnectedSolutions program can earn for every kilowatt of benefit they provide to the grid—up to $1,500 per year depending on the size of the battery and the state where they live. Using the new in-app experience, customers can easily enroll in the program and see the entire event including how much energy they are providing, and understand how that results in earnings from their utility.

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