App Architecture

Assembly Line

Maersk Mobile: All the Way with Flutter

πŸ“… Date:

πŸ”– Topics: App Architecture

🏒 Organizations: Maersk, Google

The Maersk App helps our customers to follow the progress of their shipment in real-time. In late 2017, the team built the app on native platforms (Android and iOS), with a very small group of engineers compared to the size of the web teams. Keeping up with requirements to solve the business needs of our customers was challenging and time-consuming as all development had to be done twice. Over time, tech debt for maintaining two codebases was getting high as the underlying platforms changed as well as new features and services for our customers in a rapidly growing userbase.

One additional underrated benefit is its seamless integration with Firebase (BaaS – Backend – as – a – Service platform by Google). Engineers can benefit from Firebase’s services like analytics, performance monitoring, crash reporting, app distribution to QA etc. which are available out of the box with minimal code/configuration changes.

We incorporated BLOC architecture to manage business logic and UI(view) separately. BLOC architecture helped us manage the state more effectively for the App as it was easy to have common state throughout the app for persistent user experience with improved security on user accessibility.

Read more at Maersk News